You may notice some of the most pictures that my eye is kinda swollen. The second picture is the day that it happened and the first one is the day after. That's because 3 days ago (on Sunday), I fell off the bed. It was a hard hit since I landed right on my face. I had a goose-egg on the corner of my head and I could hardly open my eye. I cried and cried and cried, but I didn't have a concussion. I know mom and dad felt really bad but I guess it was bound to happen at some point. I forgive them though. As you know, I am still a happy baby that still loves to smile. Today, my eye looks the worse because it's getting bruised but I can open my eye a little bit more every day. I know that Valentine's day is coming up so if I don't get to write on that day, I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's day!!! I love you all and miss you too. ***SAVANNAH***
Oh my goodness....POOR SAVANNAH! That looks like it hurts! I'm so glad to hear she is ok...despite the pain. Hope the swelling goes down quickly. (Do you want me to kiss your boo boo and make it feel better?)
My Sweet Savannah,
I am so sorry about your fall.I wish I could have been their to kiss your Boo Boo to make you feel better. I bet your head and eye hurt for a couple of days. You are still beautiful. Happy Valentines Day. I Love You.
Grndma XXOO
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