Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well today wasn't much better than yesterday. we left leavenworth around 1000 and drove for about 5-6 hours. I was a little horror for mom and dad today... My goal is to see how far I can stretch them. once we got on the road I just kept crying and crying. Mom had to come sit in the back with me while dad kept on driving... We stopped for lunch at Applebees. I had fun there, I was really good because I got to get out of the car seat. Anyway now I am glad to be home and back in my zone. I am hapy to be in my crib, and get to swing in my swing... I love it.... I get to go to my sitters house tomorrow, I am looking forward to that while mom and dad go to work. So I need to go and get some sleep. Good night

**** Savannah****

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Dear Savannah,
Sometimes a girl just has to cry. I know just how you feel. It's no fun being stuck in a car seat with no one to talk to, is it? I'm sure that you were just missing your grammy. I love you and am looking forward to seeing you in October...I wonder what kind of Halloween costume we will find for you?