Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today was not a good day for me. I cried, cried, and cried some more. We did the usual like go to lunch and exploring around town. But mainly we stayed in the hotel room because I was being a total brat. I cried at lunch and at dinner. After dinner, we went for a walk and while I was sitting on dad's lap, I gave him a big surprise. Then, I was better. I haven't cried since, but dad had to change his shorts. Sorry dad. On a different note, mom and dad are beginning to teach me sign language. I get a kick out of watching mom and dad make funny gestures towards me. Maybe one day I will understand what they mean. But for now, it's just plain fun. I am kinda tired now. I can't wait to see what you guys post on my blog. Night night. ***SAVANNAH***

1 comment:

pop said...

This is the second comment I have left. The first one disappeared when I lost connection with the internet. Ah, modern technology. Your dad loves surprises. Keep them coming. Grammy left a comment also, but I think it was lost, too. She says hello and says she loves and misses you very much. We are both sorry you had such a bad day. We all have them from time to time. Well, I have got to run to the store and get supper going. We are having turkey and rice. Love and miss you much. Pop and Grammy